Oh boy. This week has been so much fun. The main reason for this is that the weather have been the best in like three thousand years everywhere we have gone. And we have played great shows.
In Hamburg I did interviews all day long. I'd like to thank everyone who attended our show wednesday night. We know it was short notice and we never thought so many of you would show up. But Hamburg proves to be a great turf for us always. Next time we might anounce the show 2 hours before and see how many of you make it. Who needs a promotor with fans like these! Haha.
Karlstad show played on friday was emotional and mad. I thought it was one of our best Karlstad gigs ever. When we came of stage three guys started telling us we were the best liveband in the world. We don't know if they had been paid off cos they kept this going throughout the night.
Saturday at Siesta was a blast aswell. Great show. Great crowd. Knowing all the words. Many strange things happend in the evening and throughout that night I cannot account for. I pray to god Oskar will share some of his adventures with you all.
Love / Anton