just came off the stage in Kaiserslautern. who would have thought this show was gonna be such a bomb! I am sweatier than I've ever been. and that's not little. jesus! thanks all of you.
I love this life.
Kaiserslautern and Halloween.
We are in Kaiserslautern right now. Soundcheck is done and we are soon our way to finaly have Mexican food. Me and Johnny have waited for Mexican food since day one on this tour. We took a little trip the central parts of Kaiserslautern earlier on. They had some kind of Halloween parade and the streets were full of Germans dressed up in all kinds of different Halloween costumes. Samba batteries played all over the streets and the mood was on top among the citizens of Kaiserslautern. We got a quite inspired of the festivities so we will see what will happen on stage tonight. Well, food is waiting so I'll have to go.

Anton says hi from our little dressing room.
Anton says hi from our little dressing room.
I miss my Ipod
Since last time anyone of us wrote here we've been playing Frankfurt, Hamburg and Bremen. Today it's time for Köln and the Underground Club. We have now really got in to the loop and the days are flying by. Soon it's just a week left. After the show in Hamburg we had (as always) a big party that ended up with me spending two hours at the famous Polizei Station in Hamburg. Kind of a party killer if you ask me and especially for the other guys who spend two hours waiting outside the polizei station. But you don't have to worry, the reason why I had to be there was not because of me behaving bad no, it was because of a thief that stole my bag with my Ipod, passport and a lot more. It really sucks.
The day after the Police gave me a call and told me the they found my passport outside the employment service, so maybe the thief spend my money wisely by getting his hair cut and buy a new suit and then try to get a job. I like to think so...
The day after the Police gave me a call and told me the they found my passport outside the employment service, so maybe the thief spend my money wisely by getting his hair cut and buy a new suit and then try to get a job. I like to think so...
Early Bird
Woke up this morning and thought that it was time to get up. So I flew up from bed and said to Johan that the breakfast at the hotel will be closed in 20 minutes. Then i realised that I hadn't turned back the clock to winter time last Sunday. But instead of going back to bed I washed my self really carefully, organised everything in my suitcase and went down and had the best breakfast on this tour so far. And now I'm sitting here and listening to Bon Iver and enjoying this tour to 100%. We are back in Germany also. After 4 days in Switzerland it felt like coming home again when we entered the stage in Konstanz. The crowd was really up for it and we had a great time on stage. After we had a couple of beers in the backstage and listened to Joncha and the promoter explaining the greatness in Weezer. Then Anders, Anton and me went back to our hotel room witch has got like 6 different levels. I will take some pictures and show you later today. Johan and Joncha came back 5 or 6 in the morning. I don't know what they did but I heard rumours of 60s and 70s garage rock music and a dance floor. Now the boys are back from the breakfast so we are going up on the roof to take some pictures for you all. I will post it asap. //Oskar

We actually had some free time to do what we wanted today. So went to Schaffhausen and had a look at "Der Rheinfall". The widest waterfall in Europe. It felt good to see something else than a rock club for once. But don't worry, it's just for today. Tomorrow we're gonna hit the road and continue our tour. Sleep tight! //Oskar
As the singer gains an hour...

Nine shows in nine days. I would lie if I didn't say I'm pretty beat. I need a free day. And guess what? We have one. And thanks to Anders I have one extra free hour since he forgot to change the clock and woke me up to earlier than anyone should have to wake upp. 9am :(
Roomservice in bed is my only faithful friend!
/ Anton

I am in Fribourg! Beautiful city in Switzerland. We have while in Fribourg; failed to check into our hotel for one hour, Walked on a hanging bridge over a a big river, petted donkeys, eaten swiss chocolate with hazelnuts, set the stage for tonights show. All this activity despite the fact that a few of us (including your humble writer) are majorly hung over from drinking a Absinthe (the real one) last night in Biel. It was fun then. Now it seems like a distant memory of another time and place. We have a french man with us and that has come handy since he can now easily communicate with the locals.
/ Anton
Ps: alla som kan svenska har väl inte missat att jag bloggar på svenska från turnén på Musicstage.se ?
Full House!
Yesterdays gig in Heidelberg was a real blast. The venue was totally packed and the Heidelbergers was trying their best to shout down Anton. When we ended the show with Friday I'm In Love I couldn't here Anton's voice at all because of the sing-along. Just like you want a concert to be. Big thanks to Santiago and the rest at Zum Teufel.
Today we have met up with our good friend Joncha at the airport. He will now come along and be support for us. If you haven't heard him you should check him out:
Today we have met up with our good friend Joncha at the airport. He will now come along and be support for us. If you haven't heard him you should check him out:
American highschool partiy and german bunkers.
I'm sitting and listening to Anton and Johan singing and playing "Going Up The Country" in the backstage right now. Classic song that is. We have just had some chinese food. Yesterday we where playing in a, what we thought from the beginning, student flat. Instead it was a huge appartment with aquariums and a big terrace with a view all over Bochum. We sat up ur gear in the living room and played all our fast songs. The place was packed at in felt just like we where in an American high school movie. The only things that was missing was american dudes and the red paper cups witch you drink your beer from. The floor in the livingroom was torn down to sticks and splinters after our gig. Then we drank beer from glass bottles and played füssball(Yes there was i füssball table in the apartment!), danced and met great people all night long. We filmed it all with our new camera. There is so much material that we haven't had time to ensemble a film of it yet but you will see footage from it in a near future. The thing we are talking about at this moment is the venue we are at today, Musikbuner in Aachen. It's a really strange one. It's an old german bunker from second world war. Long corridors concrete everywhere, steel doors and old school elevators witch you didn't thing existed now days.

Radio Interview
Johan and Anton is doing an interview at "CT Das Radio" in Bochum. Anders and me are sitting outside and watching some youtube clips and looking at pictures from last night in Münster. Tonight we will play at an apartment. That can be interesting... We will post some photos from that in the future. Auf wiedersehen! //Anders & Oskar
firts of the gang to wake
The others are still sleeping like babies after a late night yesterday. A late but fun night. The amp club was as it been to us before, very sweaty and very good. Like a german rock club should be.
I don't know the schedule for today but we will keep you updated. Now I'm gonna go down and have myself some breakfast.
I don't know the schedule for today but we will keep you updated. Now I'm gonna go down and have myself some breakfast.
We had a really good show i Hannover last night. Finaly we are up and running. 20 gigs to go and it feels great. After the show we listened to 80:s hits and drank different kinds of drinks. We felt a bit rough this morning but since it's so early on the tour we where back on track after a classic german breakfast. Tonight we gonna play at Amp Club in Münster. The stage is set and we had our dinner. Now it's just waiting and as allways it's worth every second. And for all of you in Münster I can tell that you are not gonna get dissapointed if you go down to Amp Club this evening. Stay tuned//Oskar
First dinner
We are eating ribs with potatoes and sallad of mozzarella and tomatoes. Johan and Anders says hi. //Oskar
Hannover hangover...
... has not yet occured. But like a check in the mail it's bound to catch up with us sometime. Probably in the morning. We just soundchecked here at Café Glocksee. We're also trying our best to get friendly with our first supportband, Enno Burger. Their singer told me they sound like Marilyn Manson but I think he might be lying to me. A little nervous. First gig of the tour. Playing my new acoustic and trying to get Johnny to sing along. Always on my mind didn't do the trick. Maybe American girl will...
// Anton
// Anton
On the road again!
We have just arrived to Hamburg after driving the bus for 14 hours from Stockholm. It feels very good to finally start this tour which we have waited for since last time. And as usual when we hit the road all different kinds of things seems to happend all the time. So also today when Oskar opened the door from the bus and busted Anders forehead. Blood was decorating the tarmac as Anders went down to the ground. We got quite chocked at beginning and thought that maybe the tour had to be canceled. Luckyly we got Johan who taped together our wounded soilders forehead again. Anders is all right and will be able to do the tour. He does now look like a real badguy who doesn't back off anything. We are now gonna have a couple of beers in the city we love and then go to bed. Tomorrow we gonna start this tour for real! //MJ
Date change
We've changed the last date on the tour. The venue in Liepzig went out of business apparently. But quicker than a camera flash our german bookers got another show with a better deal instead. Wohoo!
We're in final preparations for the tour. The new stuff we're gonna use on stage works really well, the videocamera is charged, Dvd boxes have been picked out, Sega megadrive have been purchased off Ebay, clothes have been bought but not worn, songs have been sung that we have'nt played hardly ever before. New intro, new sets. There's a bit of electricity in the air right now.
Hope to see all of you on the road.
We're in final preparations for the tour. The new stuff we're gonna use on stage works really well, the videocamera is charged, Dvd boxes have been picked out, Sega megadrive have been purchased off Ebay, clothes have been bought but not worn, songs have been sung that we have'nt played hardly ever before. New intro, new sets. There's a bit of electricity in the air right now.
Hope to see all of you on the road.
Help us spread the word
Two weeks from now we will be heading down the country in a bus for this autumn tour in Germany/Switzerland/Austria. We are all longing for it.
We now like to ask you a favour (especially all of you living in any of those countries, but maybe you others can help as well) anyway if you all could help us spread the word about this tour it would make it even more fun for both you and us.
Thank you everyone.
If you like you can use this flyer Oskar made in photoshop. It took him five hours so use it well.
We now like to ask you a favour (especially all of you living in any of those countries, but maybe you others can help as well) anyway if you all could help us spread the word about this tour it would make it even more fun for both you and us.
Thank you everyone.

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