Hey guys. Here are some pictures from the tour a couple weeks back. Mia Möllberg is the photographer and we are the band.
German interview...

... with Anton and Johnny. Check it: http://www.unruhr.de/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2175&Itemid=3
Home sweet home

Ladies and gentlemen. We are back home. Tour is over for this time around. It feels so weird. I've been around the guys for 24 h a day for almost a month. And now it's just quiet. This happens always after a long run like this, 20 shows in 22 days, but you never really get used to it. But let me tell you some of the stuff we've been up to in the last days.

We had such a great night in Berlin. Best show of the tour. Thanks to everyone of you who came around. The afterparty lasted til 6 am in the rowdy halls of White Trash Fast Food. Pumpkin throwing and table dancing among other deeds. And the next day in Kassel we squeesed the last drops of energy out of our bodies. Great crowd, great show aswell. Roadie Anton Toorell joined on additional lead guitar when The Luck You Got turned into a guitar battle in the encore.

A thing I've been really happy about is to see so many more men on the shows this time around. The crowd is now almost 50/50 genderwise. It's no secret we were very tired of only attracting a young female audience. And to see this changing in front of your weary eyes is a great feeling. Don't get me wrong now, we love our whole audience, girls and boys, men and women, elders and youngsters, but a diverse crowd is the best.

Anowho... On the way back, after 10 000 km of road, with 2 little hours left we were pulled over by civilian police. They weighed us and checked everything about everything. And apparently we were 46% to heavy. This meant fines of 1000 a pop. It's great that the swedish law enforcement shows such dedication catching villians and vigilantes on a sunday night. Makes me sleep well at night.
Now we're gonna have a little one week vacation. Then we are gonna kick start something really exciting. Production rehearsals kids!
XO Anton A
Ich Bin Ein Berliner
U2 are playing for free in Berlin today. At the same time as we are. They are here to celebrate the fall of the wall 20 years ago. Fucking U2. Always trying to mess things up for new up and comers. See you in the Bang Bang tonight. We're gonna be loud! Love / AA

Bono making our life difficult

Bono making our life difficult
Live blog from Munich
Thank you everybody for tonight. It was a blast I have to say. Hot stage(even I got sweat drops in my face), dancing, amplifiers on 11, screaming and shouting. This is what it's all about and I don't like it at all....I love it!!
59-1 Tonight!
First I really have to say that I´m sorry that we didn't had more time in Vienna, then we would have visited one of the occupied university, we support you students!
4 gigs to go and as you know we are now in Munich at 59-1, on the way here we watched Top Gun on the TV (once again) mean while Oskar was at the wheel trying to give him self the biggest sugar rush ever. I think tonight is gonna be good one, it´s a great sound in here and already some swedes turned to watch the show.
// Johnny
4 gigs to go and as you know we are now in Munich at 59-1, on the way here we watched Top Gun on the TV (once again) mean while Oskar was at the wheel trying to give him self the biggest sugar rush ever. I think tonight is gonna be good one, it´s a great sound in here and already some swedes turned to watch the show.
// Johnny
First snow
We are in Vienna right now. Had a great show at this place called Chelsea witch is situated under the railways tracks for the metro. After the show a couple of beers went down our throats with some Austrian dudes. Vienna really represented from her good side. Well almost anyway. We woke up an hour ago with snow outside our window! SNOW!? Let's hope there will be snowball showdown on the way to Munich today. The bus is departing in five minutes, see you at 59:1 tonight! //MJ
Sauna & Steam Bath In Regensburg
2 weeks of carrying amps and drums, 5000km in the car, late nights, 15 shows... Yes it felt good with a day at the spa.
Yesterday i went to bed at 10 instead of 4, I slept like a baby after a hot sauna and steambath. Regensburg you make me relax and i like to visit you again.
Today we´re heading to Wienna wich we ofcourse look forward to, last time we played there it was a real blast. Oskar really wants to climb all the way up on Grossglockner but unfortunately we dont have the time.
See you tonight
// Johnny
2 weeks of carrying amps and drums, 5000km in the car, late nights, 15 shows... Yes it felt good with a day at the spa.
Yesterday i went to bed at 10 instead of 4, I slept like a baby after a hot sauna and steambath. Regensburg you make me relax and i like to visit you again.
Today we´re heading to Wienna wich we ofcourse look forward to, last time we played there it was a real blast. Oskar really wants to climb all the way up on Grossglockner but unfortunately we dont have the time.
See you tonight
// Johnny
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