Today we have had a meeting with our new recordlabel and booker here in Hamburg, its just a month left untill we release "Songs For The Fallen Apart" and we all are so looking forward to it.
We have also started to do some interviews with a couple of german magazines. Tonight we will play some songs acoustic at Nachtlager here in Hamburg and then have a drink and play some good records. Feel free to come down.
All the best//mj
We have arrived to Hamburg and drinked our first Astas for this year. There will be more, let me you that! We love this town! //Molotov Jive
Gutekällaren 12 of June
We´re travelling down to Hamburg soon, but i just wanted to let you know that we have got a new show: Guteällaren, Visby on Gotland the 12 of June // Johnny
Unplugged in Hamburg on wednesday!
Dear friends.
To start kicking things off in Germany again we are gonna play a very special unplugged show at the Nachtlager in Hamburg on the evening of the 27th of May. That means this wednesday people! We are really really looking forward to it. I know we usually say that but this time it is more true than ever. We know it is short notice. And that's the way we wanted it. See you there we sure hope. Lots of love / Molotovian Jivers
To start kicking things off in Germany again we are gonna play a very special unplugged show at the Nachtlager in Hamburg on the evening of the 27th of May. That means this wednesday people! We are really really looking forward to it. I know we usually say that but this time it is more true than ever. We know it is short notice. And that's the way we wanted it. See you there we sure hope. Lots of love / Molotovian Jivers
To johan with love...
We have got a lot of mails asking for the lyrics of the new album, so Im just gonna let you all know that they are on its way to our homepage. Hopefully this week.
I like to dedicate todays blog to Johan and I really hope you will read this, and when you do, Johan... Can you put up the lyrics on our homepage? See you tomorrow...
Ps. Can you bring my cykellås aswell Ds.
I like to dedicate todays blog to Johan and I really hope you will read this, and when you do, Johan... Can you put up the lyrics on our homepage? See you tomorrow...
Third album?
Hello hello. This week we went to a lot o meetings. Playing our label and publisher our new material. It is the strongest I have written. So we started slowly but surely to plan what will soon be our third album. We talked about producers, studio and other things that you might wanna take into consideration before you start the actual recording. Feels great to look ahead. And soon we're coming back to germany. Hmmm hmmm more news soon!!
Soon I'm off to Debaser Medis to soundcheck for the show tonite. A little worried that people might chose to stay in as it is Eurovision song contest tonite. That horrible piece of mockery is somewhat an institution in this country.
We'll rock the house as usual. We're in such a good shape. We're like Rocky in Rocky IV when he fights that russian guy! Love / Anton
Soon I'm off to Debaser Medis to soundcheck for the show tonite. A little worried that people might chose to stay in as it is Eurovision song contest tonite. That horrible piece of mockery is somewhat an institution in this country.
We'll rock the house as usual. We're in such a good shape. We're like Rocky in Rocky IV when he fights that russian guy! Love / Anton

Don't go into the long grass.
After rehearsing last evening we sat down in the long grass and had a glass of fine Chardonnay. As you can see we had a very good time together. Later on we got feeling and got back into the rehearsal and nailed a couple of more songs before we went home. Just another day of joy...
Come on Oskar! We can't have a picture of someone elses' Guitar tech without a pic of our own golden boy Anton Toorell! Here we go! (He's very tall indeed)

The weekend that was.
As you know we had a good time at New Generation Festival last Saturday. It was nice not to travel for hours and hours to get to the gig. Instead we met up late afternoon and had a 15 minutes drive to Fryhuset where it all went down. Nice people and good catering made us fell in even better mood. Anton and Johnny made a guest appearance awhen Sugarplaum Fairy played. Carl had lost his voice so A&J took some high pitch lyrics on a couple of Spf:s hits. It felt like it was when we toured with them in Germany two years ago. They are still a nice bunch of guys.
We also found my look-alike. He looks like me but but his name is Anders and he's the guitar tech for Spf. Hope you all will have a pleasant week! Oskar & MJ

Oskar and Anton?!?
We also found my look-alike. He looks like me but but his name is Anders and he's the guitar tech for Spf. Hope you all will have a pleasant week! Oskar & MJ
Oskar and Anton?!?
Sleep tight!
Thank you for this evening. We are very happy about the concert tonight and I've got some good material on the camera witch I will share with you to morrow. Until then, sleep tight!
Füssball in Luleå.
Here is a sequence from the Füssball tournament in Luleå between Parken and Molotov Jive witch, as you can see, we won.
New Gig!
Molotov Jive will play at Debaser Medis in Stockholm the 16:th of May. It's Peace & Love STHLM who have a full night there with different bands and artists. They wanted us to headline, we said yes! All profit goes to Amnesty, Greenpeace and WWF. For further info visit:
PS. In the picture you can se Johhny and me having lunch in the park a couple of days ago. DS.
Release date!
We may now present that Songs For The Fallen Apart will be released in Germany Austria and Switzerland the 26 of June! Pre-ordering will function as soon as.
Stay Tuned.
// Johan
We may now present that Songs For The Fallen Apart will be released in Germany Austria and Switzerland the 26 of June! Pre-ordering will function as soon as.
Stay Tuned.
// Johan
New generation and new friends
We just wanna thank our new friends in Parken for a great night in Luleå. This weekend. You guys were awsome even though we kicked your asses at the dressing room fussball table. See you again soon.
And a reminder for all of you, New Generation Festival this saturday at Fryshuset, Stockholm. We play next to last on the bill and it's gonna be rocking. Get your tickets now!
And a reminder for all of you, New Generation Festival this saturday at Fryshuset, Stockholm. We play next to last on the bill and it's gonna be rocking. Get your tickets now!

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