As you know we had a good time at New Generation Festival last Saturday. It was nice not to travel for hours and hours to get to the gig. Instead we met up late afternoon and had a 15 minutes drive to Fryhuset where it all went down. Nice people and good catering made us fell in even better mood. Anton and Johnny made a guest appearance awhen Sugarplaum Fairy played. Carl had lost his voice so A&J took some high pitch lyrics on a couple of Spf:s hits. It felt like it was when we toured with them in Germany two years ago. They are still a nice bunch of guys.
We also found my look-alike. He looks like me but but his name is Anders and he's the guitar tech for Spf. Hope you all will have a pleasant week! Oskar & MJ
Oskar and Anton?!?
Anton! I'm glad you have cut your hair, it looks much better now, you are hot again. But! What is that under your shirt? It looks like you have gained some weight my old fella', look at the buttons!!
maybe the shirt shrunk in the washing
Naah.. he's tubby. I didn't say it was a bad thing thou!
Aww, hah. Om det är någon tröst Anton så tycker jag och många andra att du är snygg oavsett vilken frisyr du har (eftersom det verkar vara ''inne'' men anonyma kommentarer måste jag också vara anonym, kan ju inte gå emot strömmen)
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