When I look back on year nine I quickly realize it carried a lot for all of us. While the world might remember this year as a year of financial crisis or the year Obama became president, I will always think of it as the year when we released SONGS FOR THE FALLEN APART. Our best album to date by far. To the sound of both fantastic and horrific reviews we released our new baby into first Scandinavia and then Mainland Europe. And we did the greatest tours we ever done this year. And grew a lot more confident in our own ability. For me, the best shows were this springs outdoor headline gig at the Get-A-Gig Festival in our native Karlstad, the Peace And Love show in 28 degree heat and the Reeperbahn Festival in Hamburg. All very different but equally fabulous.

On a personal level it has been a year of change during these last months. Sometimes hard to adapt to and sometimes the kind of change that makes you wanna dive into it, head first, without thinking twice. I wanna thank my brothers Anders, Oskar and Johnny for all we did this year.
For 2010 I will try to write more and drink less. What are your promises?