What is going on? Why am I in a weelchair? You will see soon enough. Interesting things are happening.
Today I got a mail from a swedish magazine called veckorevyn who asked me to judge outfits in their Valentines Day issue. Maybe this is beacuase of our song "Valentines Day", I don't know. I was a bit flattered that they would let me rule judgement over peoples way to dress. Did they perhaps think of me as kind of a fashion guru? Tempting thought indeed. But I had to tell them no in the end. I'm a musician. It's not my place to say yay or nay.
Record of the day for Anton (I) is Neon Bible by Arcade Fire. Fantastic!
"But I had to tell them no in the end. I'm a musician. It's not my place to say yay or nay."
oh how gorgeous you are!
i would have done it though. i love saying yay or nay, haha. x
Scary pic...
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