Happy Xmas, lot's of love! // Anton, Johnny, Anders, Oskar
We'd like to wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year. And our christmas gift to you is a brand new MOLOTOVJIVE.SE ! Tune in to the brand new website with direct social network access and alot of other super neat features. Tell your friends! More exiting news in the pipeline...
Live vids from Cirkus!
Here are NO WORDS and 29 from the Cirkus show we just did with Suede. Check it!
New look...?

We are soon launching the new Molotovjive.se website. We wanted to have a new look to suit the new music you are soon gonna hear, and also we wanted to integrate our facebook/myspace/spotify/youtube/whathaveyou into this blog...
So, what would you like for the new Molotov Jive site? Pics? A forum? An iPhone app? Tell us!
/ MJ
Thank You Cirkus!

photo by rockfoto.
Last night we premiered our new material and our new live set up as support for Suede at Cirkus in Stockholm. 7 new songs were performed to the sold out arena. Big thanks to everyone who attended and to Suede for taking so good care of us. And to Andreas, our new keyboard player. Hope you like us as much as we like you. Brett Anderson watched our set from the sideline and is since last night a fan.

photo by rockfoto.
There will be some video from the Cirkus show up here shortly.
Love / Anton A
Molotov Jive featuring Dunno
Back in 06, when we recorded the Made In Spain video in Barcelona, we became friends with a great spanish indie band by the name of Dunno. When they asked us to record a cover of The Zombies - Time Of The Seasons, with them for their new album we were glad to say Si!
Here's Time Of the Seasons by Molotov Jive and Dunno:
Dunno – Time Of The Season
And to reminisce, the Made In Spain video:
Here's Time Of the Seasons by Molotov Jive and Dunno:
Dunno – Time Of The Season
And to reminisce, the Made In Spain video:
Molotov Jive will support Suede at Cirkus, Stockholm. The concert takes place 1st of December and we are really honoured to be the support of one of the greatest britpop bands of all time and also an important influence for all of us in Molotov Jive . We will only perform new songs from our upcoming album this special evening.
For tickets click here.
Classic Suede track click here.
//Molotov Jive
Back at the crimescene

Back on the rooftop we recorded the Paint The City Black video! Not a hell of a lot going on up there. Much more is happening in other places. Things are changing in the MJ world. For the better. Wer're working on tons of new material that is really gonna pop out. I've been trying to write in new ways. Less words but the words who are there means more. That kind of thing. And we've become grander musically I now dare to say. When you'll hear some of it? Maybe sooner than you think. We're making extremely big plans for all of this and we count on it all becoming fulfilled. It feels a little weird trying to say something about it when I can't play some of it for you but that's sadly the way things are.
Maybe I'll post an acoustic video later this week. Sound good?
Stay dedicated! Peace and love! x Anton
St. Gallen
We arrived to St. Gallen last evening after driving along thunderstorms over the mountains of Switzerland. We spent the rest of the evening drinking beer at the Kulturfestival, witch we will perform at tonight, chit-chatting with the locals and making up big plans for MJ.
Next up is a bath in a fresh swizz spring before sound check.
Next up is a bath in a fresh swizz spring before sound check.
Last night me and Anton went to see Arcade Fire at Dalhalla. It took us five hours to get there but it was totally worth it. The show was brilliant and I encourage you all, if you get a chance, you should go and see them.
quote Anton: "it's the best concert I've seen since Michael Jackson at Ullevi 1997"
quote Anton: "it's the best concert I've seen since Michael Jackson at Ullevi 1997"
Midsummer 2Lax10

Swedish heathen holiday coming up. Some are dancing round a blossoming pole. We are still recording and cutting corners in the Stockholm underground for financial benefit. Way to go Oskar! (pic by Jenny Vaz)
Happy midsummer/ MJ
I can hereby annouce that we, Molotov Jive will take a couple of days off from rehearsing and recordning the new album to do a show in Switzerland. It is the Kulturfestival in St Gallen and we will be playing on the 17 of july.

Our good friend Erik a.k.a Mårten followed us a day last week when we were rehearsing and hung out. He's a great photographer, if you wanna see the result check out his blog
Take care//anders
Summer 10
Yes, it's true. The summer is finally a fact in our part of the world. Also Anders had his birthday yesterday. We celebrated him with records and rehearsing. Then we had a photo session in the sun with our friend Mårten behind the camera. The result will come asap.
On Saturday Johan and Anton will spin some wax when Vurma bar celebrate their first year in the business. Birger Jarlsgatan 36 is the adress. A perfect opportunity to hail the almighty sun if you ask me.
On Saturday Johan and Anton will spin some wax when Vurma bar celebrate their first year in the business. Birger Jarlsgatan 36 is the adress. A perfect opportunity to hail the almighty sun if you ask me.
Växjö vacation?
Here's some footage from early this spring. More to come. xo Anton A
Just Leave On Visions.de
The news of our new song Just Leave spreads like the wind. It's now on the front page of German music magazine Visions. They write "The completely self-produced video shows the darkest song of the band so far".
Feel free to spread it yourself at any blog or facebook thing! Love / MJ
Feel free to spread it yourself at any blog or facebook thing! Love / MJ
Just Leave live in church
Here's a new one for ya´ll.
Back home
Hi everybody! We got back safe but very late last night. London has treated us very well with a great audience at the show and endless nights with good people and loud music. I have looked through my camera and thought I might share some pictures from the weekend. Thank you for this time London. //Oskar

Cathedrals and seaguls
We've been in a cathedral all day, recording songs. Old and new. The place had great atmosphere of religious proportions (maybe obvious). We recorded and filmed church organ versions of the songs that we are gonna release sometime as the English Cathedral sessions, or at least that is our intention. Here's some pics. Lots of love / Anton and Ozzy
Fuck The Police!

Hell of a first day, boys and girls! Anton realised sooner than later that he left his passport behind. Again! We rushed in our car only to be caught by the long arm of the law. One speeding ticket later we were at Arlanda trying to change Johnny's ticket as it was booked in the name Johnny Annersand. We arrived in England last night with a cab waiting for us at the airport with a sign that said "Molotov Hives". We got into town and went for indian food.
Today we're getting down to bizz. Recording sessions are booked. The night is some kind of mingle party at a bank tonight, little food on toothpicks is just what I need. Don't ask us what we're doing at the bank cos we cannot tell you. Yet!!! :)
Catch you later! // MJ

Time is moving fast. In a couple of days we're going to London again to do what we do best; play great music and spend our money on rags and fun. Also we are going to record some of our tunes in a slightly different location than we are used to. We are gonna record it in a church. Johnny Handsome will be responsible for the sound on this recording. Hopefully you will hear the result of this "Church session" in a near future.
Dj Anton gonna spin that shit!

Hey you, rocksteady crew.
I, Anton the last record collector standing, will Dj at Vurma in Stockholm on friday to celebrate that spring is finally here.
Come down and shake off that winter depression to some great indie rock'n'roll for me.
Fulham Palace!
It was a while ago since we where there but Anders, hey! You've got what you asked for. We´re going to England! 8th of May, Fulham Palace it is. lots has happened since we were there so come by and have a great evening and watch us play some epic rock for you. Molotov Jive is co-headlining with Sven-Bertil Taube!
See you there // Johnny
See you there // Johnny
a great start...
"In this light and on this evening" is great song to open an album with, you should listen to it if you haven't heard it.
For you who couldnt make it to the in-store gig!
Here is a new song for you! acoustic and first time ever to be performed.
There is more songs from the in-store gig at http://www.youtube.com/user/musicstagese
ENJOY! // Johnny
Thanks to musicstage.se
There is more songs from the in-store gig at http://www.youtube.com/user/musicstagese
ENJOY! // Johnny
Thanks to musicstage.se
Saturday afternoon.
Thanks everyone who came down to Record Hunter to watch Anton and Johan play a couple of MJ tunes and buy some records yesterday. It was a very pleasant way to spend your Saturday afternoon. I arrived a little bit late so I couldn't squeeze myself down to the basement but I managed to reach down with my arm to take this picture:

Record Store Day!
I am very happy tell you all that my good friends Anton and Johan will celebrate Record Store Day by playing acoustic at Record Hunter Store in Stockholm. They are very psyched and are both looking forward to it. They told me to tell you all to come down there this Saturday at 4 o'clock and enjoy some of your favourite MJ songs. (maybe some new ones as well)
Record Store day
Record Hunter at Sankt Eriksgatan
Saturday 17 April
Record Hunter at Sankt Eriksgatan
Saturday 17 April
Antons Touring Experience
Here's Anton sharing a memory from the road, taken from the site festivalresan.
Kvarnberget Skyline
Here I stand, guitar in hand, gazing over my hometown skyline. Kvarnberget is as close as I got to Manhattan as a kid. I used to make pretend that it was. And that I was a young Lou Reed or Iggy Pop in pursuit of kicks and great art. Since then I have seen Manhattan and other great places but no place make me feel like I do here. We're performing tonight, pursuing great art and kicks if you will, at Nöjesfabriken. Along with Teddybears, Satan takes a Holiday and Televinken. See you at 10.

Love xoxo ANTON A
Team Building
Team building refers to a wide range of activities, usually in a business context, for improving team performance. Team building is pursued via a variety of practices, and can range from simple bonding exercises to complex simulations and multi-day team building retreats designed to develop a team (including group assessment and group-dynamic games), usually falling somewhere in between. It generally sits within the theory and practice of organizational development, but can also be applied to sports teams, school groups, and other contexts. Team building is not to be confused with "team recreation" that consists of activities for teams that are strictly recreational. Teambuilding is an important factor in any environment, its focus is to specialize in bringing out the best in a team to ensure self development, positive communication, leadership skills and the ability to work closely together as a team to problem solve.
Easter Rock

Johnny just called me and wondered if I was up for some Easter Rock. "Sure thing!" I said. Apparently he had called the other guys in the band as well and they had given him the same answer.
So next week on Friday we are going back to our home town Karlstad to play at Nöjesfabriken and on the day after, Saturday that is, we are heading to Eskilstuna to perform at Raw. More detailed information will come.
//Oskar with band
Bercelona 2.0
Hey folks!
I just got back from Barcelona, were I have filled my life with food, drinks, clubs and great people. Barcelona is also the city where we shot the video for 'Made in Spain'. Lots of memories from the old days came back when I walked down the beach. The temperature in the water wasn't quite ready for a swim. But the trip has given me lots new energy and inspiration to bring back to our beloved rehearsal. //Oskar

Back on the crime scene...
I just got back from Barcelona, were I have filled my life with food, drinks, clubs and great people. Barcelona is also the city where we shot the video for 'Made in Spain'. Lots of memories from the old days came back when I walked down the beach. The temperature in the water wasn't quite ready for a swim. But the trip has given me lots new energy and inspiration to bring back to our beloved rehearsal. //Oskar
Back on the crime scene...
March 22nd
Fixing and mixing a new song, time to take a break before my ears starts to bleed.
// Johnny
// Johnny
James Cameron to produce MJ?
A good week
Yesterday I came home from China. I had a great time there, walking the great wall and stuff like that. It was really a blast.
Now I'm looking forward to meet the boys again and catch up what I've missed the week that passed.
By the way, I had forgotten how good Band of Horses are. They're great...
Now I'm looking forward to meet the boys again and catch up what I've missed the week that passed.
By the way, I had forgotten how good Band of Horses are. They're great...
Heart of stone
While the the winter still has got its grip of Stockholm we continue to explore the never ending grounds of music. Anton and me went to Johan's new apartment yesterday were we recorded a new song on Johans computer. He is getting really skilled with this stuff. Anders has left us for a trip to China. He will be back sometime next week we hope. Now I'm gonna listen to "Heart of Stone" with Cher at maximum volume and enjoy my afternoon coffee. Have a nice weekend!
A weekend in the city.
Last weekend I went to see the German industrial band Rammstein burn some gasoline in Globen. It was mad! Flames and bombs from the beginning all the way to the end. If you haven't seen it you must. The following day we had i little band meeting and we listened through all of our demos that we have recorded and discussed them. A really nice way to spend a Sunday night. I also forwarded some of my ideas of having more pyro when we are on stage. We'll see what happens with that.
Sthlm fashion week

Right now: Watching Editors - Papillion.
Tonight: Sweden VS Germany (Ice Hockey)
Tomorrow: Molotov Jive will attend at a very special cocktail party.

Tonight: Sweden VS Germany (Ice Hockey)
Tomorrow: Molotov Jive will attend at a very special cocktail party.
speaking about england.
While I was helping Johnny packing his stuff today (he is moving to another apartment) we started to talk about how much fun we had last time we were in London. We came to the conclusion that it's about time we go there again. We haven't booked the tickets jet but we are thinking of it. We were also saying that if we go, why not do show there just for fun. As I said, nothing is decided, but we are planning.
Take care
Take care
Växjö has been rocked
Last night we played epic rock'n'roll music at Slottsstallarna in Växjö, Småland. It was a great start of our new live year. Damn the people were mad. The show was sold out and there was a riot going on. The barrier infront of the stage broke and guards had to keep the crowd at bay. We had so much fun. We also world premiered a new song at the encore. It's called "Take me in your arms" and has no chorus but guitars. Elias shot a lot of video of the gig and we're gonna upload it here sometime soon. Thank you Växjö!
// AA
// AA
Last rehearsal we ended up playing "The kids aren't alright" by The Offspring with Oskar on the drums. I don't know if that's a good or bad sign bearing the upcoming show in växjö in mind. I am a little afraid...
Concerning acting and music
I'm flying to Berlin in a couple of weeks to act in an independent film directed by a swede. This makes me think back on my first theatrical plays in school when I portrayed a leather jacket version of Elaka Måns in my schools play, Pelle Svanslös. I did the part with such devotion and enthusiasm that three people in the ensemble started crying at the rehearsals. I was about 14 and I was totally fierce. Haha. And I also think about when the four of us were shooting a movie last summer. That one premiers this fall in Sweden. So we'll soon be in a cinema near yourselves. But we are not moviestars but musicians. And we are making a lot of great music now. It sounds a lot darker. I think we have finally abandoned The Beatles.
I´d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
Tonight all our favourite guitar technician Anton is having a release party for his band, I´m gonna head down to town grab a couple of beers and see what they´re up to.
One new song has been recorded. Me and Anton recorded it in the home studio and we played it to our bookers who applauded us. It´s a hit!
// Johnny
One new song has been recorded. Me and Anton recorded it in the home studio and we played it to our bookers who applauded us. It´s a hit!
// Johnny
New gig

The rumours are true, we have a show coming up in Växjö the 6:th of February! The first of many during 2010. See you all there! //Molotov Jive
we are planning...
Tomorrow we are going to see our booker and have a meeting about this spring. Hopefully we will have some time over from rehearsing and recording new songs that we can do a couple of shows. We will let you know as soon as we know.
I welcome the future
Today I bought myself a brand new vacuum cleaner. It looks like a spaceship and has LED-lights on the mouthpiece.
I could have been a great pianist
Oh how the days just go by without me even realizing they do. But they do in a pace faster than me. Every hour is a potential opportunity to write a song, a poem, call a friend who needs a call. But flat screen TV's suck our brains in a drains us of creativity to seize the moment. And maybe life is only a fight to stay on top of the moment and try to not get to entertained by all the mindless mumbojumbo media companys push down your throat. I would like you to turn the computer off now and write a letter to someone dear.
I was gifted, am gifted. Sometimes I look at my hands and realize that I could have been a great pianist or something. But what have my hands done? Scratched my balls, written checks, tied shoes, pushed toilet levers, etc. I have wasted my hands. And my mind.
Charles Bukowski, Pulp
I was gifted, am gifted. Sometimes I look at my hands and realize that I could have been a great pianist or something. But what have my hands done? Scratched my balls, written checks, tied shoes, pushed toilet levers, etc. I have wasted my hands. And my mind.
Charles Bukowski, Pulp
I just came back from a short trip to Göteborg. I went to the indie club "Styrbord Babord" and danced to great indie hits until I almost lost my hearing. If you ever go to Göteborg you should absolutely visit "Stybord Babord". Great place that is. //Oskar
here it comes!
I'd like to thank everyone for all the tips I got for this 00-list. many good ones, some bad ones...
So to the moment we've all have been waiting for.
Anders list of the the best albums released in the 00 decade:
NR 10: Bob Hund- Stenålder kan börja (2001)
NR 9: Hot Hot Heat - Elevator (2005)
NR 8: Kings Of Leon - Only By The Night (2008)
NR 7: Arctic Monkeys - What Ever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not (2006)
NR 6: The Strokes - Is This It (2001)
NR 5: Glasvegas - Glasvegas (2008)
NR 4: Razorlight - Razorlight (2006)
NR 3: Kent - Röd (2009)
NR 2: The Killers - Sam's Town (2006)
NR 1: Håkan Hellström - Ett Kolikbarns Bekännelser (2005)

There you have it. Take it or leave it
So to the moment we've all have been waiting for.
Anders list of the the best albums released in the 00 decade:
NR 10: Bob Hund- Stenålder kan börja (2001)
NR 9: Hot Hot Heat - Elevator (2005)
NR 8: Kings Of Leon - Only By The Night (2008)
NR 7: Arctic Monkeys - What Ever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not (2006)
NR 6: The Strokes - Is This It (2001)
NR 5: Glasvegas - Glasvegas (2008)
NR 4: Razorlight - Razorlight (2006)
NR 3: Kent - Röd (2009)
NR 2: The Killers - Sam's Town (2006)
NR 1: Håkan Hellström - Ett Kolikbarns Bekännelser (2005)
There you have it. Take it or leave it
All right! Two days has pasted of the new year and a new beginning of lots of thing. Me for instance, are moving to a new apartment. It's a hell of a job and there is thousand things to remember and do. I've been busy all day moving things from one place to another and breaking my back carrying boxes. I always listening to music when doing this kinds of things. To test how our new songs sounds like when you are moving I put on some of our demos witch we have recorded lately. Hell yeah baby! I just wanted to drop the sofa in the staircase and run to the nearest studio and record the songs for real right away. I guess it's a good sign... Now I'm all exhausted after all physical activities so I'm gonna finish my last task for the day witch is going to bed. Sleep tight in the night. //Oskar
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