Hell of a first day, boys and girls! Anton realised sooner than later that he left his passport behind. Again! We rushed in our car only to be caught by the long arm of the law. One speeding ticket later we were at Arlanda trying to change Johnny's ticket as it was booked in the name Johnny Annersand. We arrived in England last night with a cab waiting for us at the airport with a sign that said "Molotov Hives". We got into town and went for indian food.
Today we're getting down to bizz. Recording sessions are booked. The night is some kind of mingle party at a bank tonight, little food on toothpicks is just what I need. Don't ask us what we're doing at the bank cos we cannot tell you. Yet!!! :)
Catch you later! // MJ
Non-working Bean brain again, eh?! Always that passport thing...
haha molotov hives=molotov and the hives.sounds interesting!
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