We're on our way to the airport. Our flight to Luleå is waiting for us. There we will play with Parken and perhaps embark on a little demonstration when the clock strikes may first.
Here is a compilation of some highlights we have been trough the last mouth. And this is only what we caught on tape. Imagen how much we didn't get on there. So my advise to all of you today is to start a band and start touring. It's 100% pure entertainment all the time! //Oskar
a lovely day...
Nu grönskar det i dalens famn,nu doftar äng och lid.
Kom med, kom med på vandringsfärd i vårens glada tid!
Var dag är som en gyllne skål,till brädden fylld med vin.
Så drick, min vän, drick sol och doft, ty dagen den är din.
Långt bort från stadens gråa hus, vi glatt vår kosa styr,
och följer vägens vita band mot ljusa äventyr.
Med öppna ögon låt oss se på livets rikedom
som gror och sjuder över allt där våren går i blom!
Siesta festivalen booked
We are gonna play Siesta again on the 30th of may along whit Sonic Youth, Placebo and Mando. Yay!
Sticky fingers brinner
Oh my. The shows this weekend really kicked ass. There is no better way to put it. Göteborg last night is probably one of our best shows to date. What a crowd. I think we counted it to our 7th time in Götet. We also closed the deal with one of the funniest and longest aftershow parties ever. We listened to Ebba Grön 'til Hotel sequrity knocked on the door asking us why we were screaming at 5 in the morning. We had no good answer to this question. How do you explain to Sequritas that you have played a show that was so good you're on energy overload and have no other way of letting it all out? It's great to behave like a kid sometimes. I think some video stuff is on the way too. Thanks for a great weekend Eskilstuna and Gbg.
/ A
/ A
Tuna tomorrow yo!
Tomorrow we're playing in Eskilstuna. Or only Tuna if you speak local tounge. I do, sometimes. Tuna is best known for heavy industries, rockband Kent, and known not so much for rockband Yvonne who are almost better than their fellow Kents. And now a Molotov Jive premier on their local turf. We're gonna do a radio session with Eskilstuna Radio at 15.30 to kick things off.
Saturday we play in Göteborg. Best known for... öh.. fish. Sticky Fingers ground floor. Come come come! Love / MJ
Glad Påsk!

Anton and Anders stayed back in Wermland to celebrate eastern. Me and Johhny took the bus home enjoyed the fabulous spring weather witch this weekend provided us with. I even picked some flours and put them in the car so we really could feel the spring comig. Unfortunatelly I realized that I was allergic to them. Så we entered Stockholm with me sneezing and complaining about by itching eyes. To us that is spring att it's best!
We just got back f4ro'm the show. Under the influence one could claim. Karlskoga proved to be, against all odds, one of the great gigs this spring. They were many else, let's face it, but what a bash. Now Sauna with bbeeeer. Kiss! / Anton Oskar Anders and theb boy who9 just came of age!
At the moment the boys are checking out the pool table in the basement of the Hotell. I am relaxing with a magazine and a nice beer watching Friday entertainment on the tele. I had a short conversation with two cops earlier on on the lokal pizza place and they predicted a minor riot on the streets of Karlskoga tonight. Hope the riot will take place in the front row at the MJ gig. Over and out...//Oskar
No Pity for Rival city
Early birds we are on this fine all blue sky morning. We're gonna play in Karlskoga tonight as some kind of big easter weekend thing. It has come to our knowledge that Markus Krunegård played the same spot last week and he drew 35 heads to the audience. And since he has sold out Cirkus in Stockholm we are a little bit concerned about the turnout. But hey, it's Karlskoga. Offcourse people there need a drink just to forget where they live. As you should know Karlskoga is technicaly a part of Värmland but they're trying to claim new comraderie with rival city Örebro. Therefore we have been sent there. To bring justice you could say. I think we are gonna stay in a pretty nice hotel.
Later / Anton
Later / Anton
We will be celebrating Valborgsmässoafton in Luleå, and play a show together with Parken.
Hopefully there will be a bonfire!
Hopefully there will be a bonfire!
Nu behöver vi allas hjälp med att få in Monday Tuesday på Trackslistan! Gå in på http://www.sr.se/p3/tracks och rösta på Molotov Jive!
Oskar leaves Molotov Jive

Dear friends. It is my great sadness to inform you that Oskar has left the band. He didn't like the musical direction we were heading in and has made his choice.
What has brought this on is that Oskar has decided to pursue a carrier as a rapper in the hip hop genre. He is currently working on his debut album under the pseudonym "Big O". He sends his regards and wishes everyone the best and hopes that everyone will respect his decision as he has always seen himself as more of a gangster rapper than a guitarist.
The rest of us will continue as a three piece power trio.
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