Anton and Anders stayed back in Wermland to celebrate eastern. Me and Johhny took the bus home enjoyed the fabulous spring weather witch this weekend provided us with. I even picked some flours and put them in the car so we really could feel the spring comig. Unfortunatelly I realized that I was allergic to them. Så we entered Stockholm with me sneezing and complaining about by itching eyes. To us that is spring att it's best!
Jeg er også alergisk mot blomster.
Litt trist siden vårblomster er så fiine!
God Påske!
Glad påsk på er med :)
Glad Påsk!! :)
Du menar alltså att du plockade "mjöl" i bilen? (flours) Hm..
Oskar, dags för en engelskakurs snart.
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