Dear friends. It is my great sadness to inform you that Oskar has left the band. He didn't like the musical direction we were heading in and has made his choice.
What has brought this on is that Oskar has decided to pursue a carrier as a rapper in the hip hop genre. He is currently working on his debut album under the pseudonym "Big O". He sends his regards and wishes everyone the best and hopes that everyone will respect his decision as he has always seen himself as more of a gangster rapper than a guitarist.
The rest of us will continue as a three piece power trio.
ow come on xD those gangster would break you like a twiggly wig
dåligt försök!
april april?
HAHA! kulkul! jag trodde faktiskt på det innan jag kollade i kalendern
Is this your idea of an April joke???
"Fight the power/Whats the hour/Lil White gangsta from forshaga town/Fuck the police straight from the underground/Droppin shitty rhymes with an awful sound/Clickety clack clack Big O´s drop to the ground YEAAAAH"
Gangsta son.
hahahaha det var ju roligt=DD
jag blev nästan rädd
om det inte var för att jag redan blivit grundlurad tre gånger idag skulle jag säkerligen ha gått på det (nej det är inte så svårt att lura mig, inte ens 1a april)
Haha! bra forsøk! :D
aprilsnarr på sitt beste! =D
April April!!!!
Hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahah, det var rätt törrt xD ahaha!
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