

As you may have noticed Anders has been in the States and enjoyed guns, tasteless beer, clubs and the sun. Unfortinute we got a gig in Stockholm after he had booked the plane tickets. So the rest of us had to find a replacement for Anders. We found a a guy with a special liking for checked shirts and beard, called Andreas. After rehearsing with him a couple of times he was ready to get on stage and play some Mj-tunes. Last Friday we went to Kägelbanan to do the gig. It was a really good catering at the place with sushi, snacks and beers. We sat down and dug in to the varius things that could fill up our empty stumachs. After i while Andreas looked at us and asked if we knew if there was any Brazil Nuts in the bawl with different nuts.
-Yeah, its theese big ones, said Johnny. After that Andeas stated that he had eaten four f them and was extremely allergic to them and that he had eaten like a half Brazil Nut a couple a years ago and had to go to the Hospital that time. As the man of action Anton is he grabbed his phone and called an ambulance that arrived in minutes. Andreas was taken to the hospital by the ambulance and then there was only three men in the Molotov quartet again. We had contact with Andreas on the phone and he was fine but the nurses wanted him to stay for observation untill they where sure that he would make it. The hours went away and with only fifteen minutes to show time Andreas showed up in a cab. We gathered our selfes together and turned out all our nervous waiting-energy to a amazing-band-on-stage-energy. We did a really intensive and, may I say, releaved gig that night. Here's some pics from the night. Enjoy! / Oskar

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fler bilder finns på http://musicstage.se/index.php?option=com_expose&album=206