
I miss my Ipod

Since last time anyone of us wrote here we've been playing Frankfurt, Hamburg and Bremen. Today it's time for Köln and the Underground Club. We have now really got in to the loop and the days are flying by. Soon it's just a week left. After the show in Hamburg we had (as always) a big party that ended up with me spending two hours at the famous Polizei Station in Hamburg. Kind of a party killer if you ask me and especially for the other guys who spend two hours waiting outside the polizei station. But you don't have to worry, the reason why I had to be there was not because of me behaving bad no, it was because of a thief that stole my bag with my Ipod, passport and a lot more. It really sucks.
The day after the Police gave me a call and told me the they found my passport outside the employment service, so maybe the thief spend my money wisely by getting his hair cut and buy a new suit and then try to get a job. I like to think so...

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