
Made In Spain

Last week the four of us spend two hours cleaning our rehearsal. It's now shining and smells like flowers. The reason why I tell you this is because when doing this I found an old CD thrown in the middle of Johnnys old drumkit. When we put it in the stereo for a listening we were all surprised about the techno beat that filled up the room. Don't know how many of you who remembers (we had forgotten) but a British guy called Cat Burglar made a remix of Made in Spain a couple of years ago. You can listen to it on his myspace site here.


flashoflightning said...

Alltså, uhum-hmm, remixer, remixer.. Men, det låter ganska spejsigt från 03,00 och framåt, hepp pepp.

Isa said...

My beloved remix, aaawww!

Gina said...

oh, i love it. it's the perfect song for getting ready for a party night. this and dizzee rascal's bonkers. yes. x

Anonymous said...

MAN KAN VINNA SFTFA HÄR: http://musicstage.se/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=54&Itemid=123