
I could have been a great pianist

Oh how the days just go by without me even realizing they do. But they do in a pace faster than me. Every hour is a potential opportunity to write a song, a poem, call a friend who needs a call. But flat screen TV's suck our brains in a drains us of creativity to seize the moment. And maybe life is only a fight to stay on top of the moment and try to not get to entertained by all the mindless mumbojumbo media companys push down your throat. I would like you to turn the computer off now and write a letter to someone dear.

I was gifted, am gifted. Sometimes I look at my hands and realize that I could have been a great pianist or something. But what have my hands done? Scratched my balls, written checks, tied shoes, pushed toilet levers, etc. I have wasted my hands. And my mind.

Charles Bukowski, Pulp


flashofli said...

Intressanta ord.

Next up; brevskrivande med datorn avstängd.

Isa said...

So true. All my love.